Wiki Upgrade and RSS Feeds

The Commons Wiki has been upgraded to a more modern version of MediaWiki (1.15.4), and this lets us do some cool things that were previously not possible. External feeds can now be drawn into wiki pages dynamically and wiki content can be fed out to Web pages, RSS Readers and other wiki pages.

I’ve been playing around with our Wiki’s new RSS functionality, and have begun including some feeds in the right sidebars of Wiki Wrangler

Haven’t had the time to fully explore all this, but I know these new extensions will help in the new Wiki home page redesign, spearheaded by Chris Stein (@cstein). Dynamic content will soon come to the Wiki home page in the form of popular wiki pages, featured wiki pages, wiki resource pages, recently changed wiki pages… The possibilities have multiplied with this upgrade.

Below is some how-to documentation I wrote, posted on the wiki.

Have fun!

(from a Commons Wiki page)

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