iTunes U is a rich collection of over 200,000 educational podcasts from campuses across the country, all accessible via Apple’s iTunes interface. A variety of audio and video content, including lectures, readings, performances, demonstrations, original short films, sports highlights, and campus tours may be downloaded to your computer, iPod, or iPhone, and used for free.
All 23 campuses at CUNY now have a presence on iTunes U, and each has a home page on our wiki describing its current projects. You can follow this link to see the various iTunes U Campus Home Pages.
Our wiki is now home for all the CUNY iTunes U supporting documentation which our faculty has collected. There is a tremendous amount of interesting and useful information to investigate. Podcasting best practices, hardware recommendations, other campus collections, content ideas, lessons learned…
You may follow this link to our wiki’s CUNY iTunes U category page which lists the related pages. (This tag is also available on our wiki’s Category Cloud.)
CUNY iTunes U is the main page and a good place to visit first. Here you can get an idea of what’s going on with this project. There is a link to iTunes U where you can see what each college has collected so far.
Here are just a couple links to other interesting pages in this category.
I encourage you to browse through these pages. There’s some great stuff here!