I started a new category on the Commons Wiki called “Open Source” and added five pages from the research I’ve been doing. Open Source Movement gives a quick background of the OS movement, lists some of its tenets, and provides some useful links. Open Source – Demographics investigates the makeup and motivational factors involved in Open Source communities. Evaluating Open Source Solutions tracks journal articles that explore conversion decisions — whether Open Source the correct approach, and how to estimate cost savings and support needs. Open Source – Defect Tracking and Resolution pulls together studies that investigate the Open Source development model – showing how a dedicated community can use group forums and wikis to track bugs, plan enhancements, and release superior software in a shorter time frame than the traditional, proprietary model. Open Source – Digital Libraries reviews articles about Open Source Content Management systems, focusing on the LIS community.
Please feel free to add more content to any of these pages, or add some new pages to this category.